Hana's World

Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 19th
Everyday Fun

When nana came to the door---i started looking for PaPa. Ohhh, no PaPa. I gave a little pouty face and scrunched up my nose---but was still glad to see Nana. I began telling her my words and she was very interested so i told her more. I am putting words together now! Fun!
My mommy and daddy went away for the first time since sister came to live with us. Sister started showing Nana the fun she has been having too! Heidi Grace is rolling over and over and over. She smiles and drools alot and we all think she is sweet. I hug her lots and show her things she has to look forward to. Nana thinks she is trying to crawl because when she is on her tummy she sticks her but in the air. We were all laughing and then i ran to get Joy Joy to show Nana. When we were at the mall we got Joy Joy a little pink skirt to wear. I wanted her to see it on Joy Joy and i pressed her paw so we could hear Aunt Kate sing. Ohhh Nana liked that alot and her eyes got watery again. I was in the mood to read, and after Heidi Grace had her bottle and took a little nap----Nana and i cozied up on the sofa with some of my favorite books. we read and read and read some more. nana does not seem to get tired of reading. I asked her for popcorn and she asked me if i would like some eggs. For some reason they just hit the spot and we enjoyed our brunch of fried eggs and brainy bagels. Nana really smiled every time i said "mo bagels please"!
After sister Heidi Grace had her lunch we went outside for a little bit---and then a big surprise! PaPa came to be with us. More fun! He fixed my umbrella on my picnic table and mowed the lawn to surprise my daddy. At first my nana thought PaPa would tumble off the mower because he was going fast and it looked like a bunking bronco she said. I wanted to show Nana how i could go up the stone pile without her holding my hand. I say HANA ! which lets her know "i can do it myself"! When i got to the top i was very happy i made it and when i looked around from up there i saw my PaPa in the garden. I went running to help him and he let me get the weeds out with him. We have lots of green tomatoes. When we were finished my nana carried me straight to the tub!! After that we had supper and then walked around outside some more. i said to PaPa, "hammock please papa". He also put me in the swing and laughed with me. Its fun. All of us love our pretty yard. We prayed and hoped that my mommy and daddy were having a fun day too. I wanted some cheerios for a bedtime snack---and then, suddenly---my daddy "appeared" and we did not even hear them drive up because we had been laughing so much. I hugged and kissed them good-night because it was past my bedtime---and i grabbed a couple of cheerios to take with me! mmmmm.
Nana sang and prayed with me and we thanked the Lord for such a fun day and that mommy and daddy were home safe.