Hana's World

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Many Hands Make Light Work

After i had time to eat, and Skype with Aunt Kate, and take a nap-----Nana asked me something she asks me all the time.... "Hana, do you want to help me"? She told me she loves how happy i am to help her and it makes any project alot more fun. She gave me a rag and we cleaned a little desk that she said is for me! I like sitting at it and coloring and i like that it has a place for books underneath it. Nana tells me that i am a very good helper and that i am a blessing to her and my mommy! She has something she found at a consignment shop that she wants to give me someday. It is what she calls a little jam pot---and it says "Many Hands Make Light Work". She really likes that it is from England too where Aunt Kate, Uncle Matthew and Elliot is living right now. When Heidi is old enough to help us---we really will have many hands to make light work. Its fun to think about being a helper that blesses others!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

On the way to Nana's yesterday, Nana and i stopped at Toys R Us. It was fun because Nana liked for me to tell her what everything was! I saw letters, and colors, and horseys, and a gigantic ELMO, and lots of balls ! Nana let me go in and out of something she called a playhouse and i went down a slide. It was too little for me. I am getting sooo big---(nana kept telling me that). When it was time to leave we saw a horsey that gave me a ride! It was really fun. Nana had to go get more quarters for it. Maybe i will have my own horsey someday like my Uncle Brian and it won't need quarters . Nana says we have soooo much to look forward to. I know thats true----because as soon as we got to Nana and PaPa's---while we were having lunch---Aunt Kate and Elliot called us on Skype. FUN! My cousin Elliot is two months old now like my sister Heidi. They both had immunizations yesterday and they both got weighed. Heidi Grace weighs 13 pounds and 7 ounces now. Aunt Kate told us that Elliot weighs 12.3 pounds. So far they both still have blue eyes. I said "Kate" right away when i saw her on the computer--and that blessed her---and then i said Elliot too. She liked that. She wanted to hear more about all my daddy's hard work on our swimming pool. Nana said he has transformed it !He did alot of work for alot of hours to make it blue. When Kate went away, i started saying----"Kate, where are you?!!!" Maybe i will go see her and baby Elliot in person some day. When Papa came home we ate lots of bacon before we went outside. That was more fun. I rode my tricycle all the way to the end of the park and around the circle and then i went on all the slides. We went to the grocery store too and got me some milk. PaPa found the cart with the car and i drove all around the store. Everyone liked that i said hi to them. Nana and Papa said everything is an adventure to me and that is how my daddy always was ! They said i sure do enjoy life---and people. They think i am polite too. I say thank you and please and your welcome all the time. My mommy and daddy teach me how to be nice. That is because they are so nice and i want to grow up and be nice like them. Before i went to bed, Pa Pa put a little grocery cart together that is just my size. It even has groceries in it and i like pushing it all around. Then Nana's neighbor came over and gave me a bear to put in the seat of it and we named her SUZIE. When i go to bed at Nana's , i sleep with a doll that i call ANNIE. Nana said her whole name is Raggedy Ann.
This morning started out fun right away because i got to play and play in nana's bath tub and use up all her soap. It is stormy and rainy outside so we could not go to the park again. Nana likes to cuddle with me and look at books and we always have lots to do. The time always goes fast. We like to eat oatmeal together and we both like to snack. I found out last time we were together that we both like scrambled eggs. Granny and Pa called this morning and i said hi to them. They are worried about my mommy with her braces on her hands and they said she should use BLUE ICE. I know they love my family alot. Aunt Janet called too because she wants to make sure i am coming to her house on the lake for July 4th.
I wonder if Heidi misses me when i am away---and i wonder if she will like to come with me sometime when i go to Nana and PaPa's. Nana hopes she likes to come here and play and have adventures with us and eat oatmeal. I do too. Maybe Elliot will come sometime too. Lots to Look Forward to is what we always say !