Hana's World

Monday, April 17, 2006

Today my mommy and daddy and sister and i had a webcam visit with Aunt Kate in London. They call it "skype". Aunt Kate got to see baby sister for the first time and baby sister smiled for her. Aunt Kate told gramma Linda that i smiled alot too. Now as we all get to know baby Heidi we are looking forward to hearing when God brings baby cousin Wilson into our family. For now they have been calling him "bump". Pa Pa and Gramma Linda will be leaving for London to be with Aunt Kate and Uncle Matthew on Friday, April 21st. Aunt Kate is "due" on April 23rd. It will be fun to see my baby cousin on that webcam---but i will be glad when we can see him in person and my sister and i can play with him!

While the two grandpas and Daddy tried to plan a garden after lunch on Saturday, Mommy Celeta went into labor!! Hana Stacia has a sister that everyone already adores. Heidi Grace arrived on April 15th at 5:14 p.m. She weighs 8 pounds 10 ounces and is 21 1/2 inches long. She has lots of dark hair and round "pudgey" cheeks and looks like Aunt Kate did when she was born! She is beautiful ! Grandma Rosa and Grandpa Ray and Gramma/Nana Linda and Pa Pa Larry and Hana all got to the hospital just in time to hear Heidi cry when she was born. She has good strong lungs! Everything went so fast Saturday and then Sunday after church, and after Hana painted Easter Eggs with Grandma Rosa and Grandpa Ray --we all started to get ready for Heidi to come home and live with Hana! The grandmas made a yummy ham and turkey dinner while the grandpas played with Hana, put a bench together, and started a fire in the fireplace! Hana danced and danced to the tune "If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands---If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet!" Aunt Kate called from London and then Grandma Rosa and Gramma Linda prayed together and praised God from whom all blessings flow!
Daddy and Mommy brought Heidi Grace home just 25 hours after she was born! Everyone enjoyed a beautiful Easter celebration that we will never forget. Mommy Celeta is feeling well and praising our Heavenly Father for giving our family two healthy happy daughters!
Grace upon Grace.

Monday, April 03, 2006

We thought it would be fun to start a blog for Hana today. It is April 3rd and she is waiting for her sister to be born around April 14th. Today she is at gramma's and we are enjoying learning her new words together, coloring, watching out the window for puppies and airplanes, playing in the bathtub, making snow-men with playdough, dancing, clapping, squealing, enjoying one another. We are very blessed to have this kind of time together. This coming weekend Grandma Rosa and Grandpa Ray are coming to visit from Texas. They have not seen her since last April. This weekend is a whole year since Hana moved into her new home in Milton. It is very beautiful there ---its on a marsh with all kinds of flowering trees and flowers and birds and wildlife. There is a swimming pool too, and a very nice spot to watch movies and eat popcorn. EVERYONE loves this new home and LOVES to go there to visit and stay. Nobody ever wants to say goodbye and leave because we have so much fun there. Pa Pa is planning to start a garden there this spring. He is going to plant rhubarb and grapes and asparagus to get started. Then, as Hana is ready to help, her and Pa Pa can plant peas and carrots and beans and cucumbers and pumpkins !! Gramma/nana would like some tomatoes too!! Maybe someday it would be fun to try some corn on the cob! Hana's daddy and PaPa and Uncle Brian are going hunting for turkeys soon. There will be lots of excitement with new baby Heidi's arrival. Stay "tuned" and check from time to time for the big news we are all waiting for!